Welcome to Bloomin' Tuesday! I'd like to apologize again for not posting last week. I usually post every week for BT.

I worked in this garden beside my neighbors garage for a few hours on Sunday. Instead of separating plants, I just enlarge the garden, where possible. I expanded this one about a foot all around. Right now there are blanket flowers, false sunflowers, tickseed and perennial sweet peas blooming. I did need to remove some of the sweet peas because I couldn't see the rusty wheelbarrow at all.

This area is on the house side of the walk way. These Mullins are among my most favorite blooms. The pink phlox, pixie twinkle, is blooming behind it.

The 'wild' garden on the other side of the walk is continually getting wilder! I'm excited to see the gooseneck loosestrife blooming for the first time! I traded with a lady that came to the garden tour last year for some yellow. I'd been wanting this for awhile but since it's invasive, it's not usually sold here.

The cone flowers and the red corcosia are just beginning to bloom.

At the bottom of the 'wild' garden it's blue! Blue bellflower, sea holly and light blue camponella are all going strong.

Cone flowers are just getting started in the center garden, too. The false mallow, party girl has joined the party also. She does spread around quite well!

I like the punch of color the blue hydrangea adds to the shade garden. I moved this a couple years ago and wasn't sure if it would bloom again. The hosta blooms and pink and white astilbe
help brighten up this dark corner.

The day lily border has also come alive! I never did get a shot of the Stella D'ore and now there are 2 shades of yellow and a peach here and there. The yellow always seem to bloom first but by next week there should be a couple shades of peach.

I only have a couple clumps of this yellow throated burgundy and they don't show up well because they are shorter than the others. Maybe I'll remember to move them this year.

There's a lot of bloomin' going on in Western New York and after all the spring rain, we are wishing for more! I need to water the newer plants most every day now and the weeds are getting harder to pull.
I'm anxious to see what you all have going on in your gardens! Just add your name and permalink to Mr Linky and add a link to this post on your blog to join the tour. Just a reminder, I try to have this post up by 9 Monday night so you can sign up then if it's easier.
Happy Gardening!
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I do love blue hydrangeas.
I like how you have made a long border of just daylilies.
We also need rain. They keep predicting it, but somehow it bypasses us.
I like gooseneck loosestrife,but did not know it was so invasive. Maybe that is why I have never seen if for sale here.
Thanks for being our hostess today, Jean.
Thanks for hosting, Jean.
Love your borders!
Is that a potty chair in the header and first photo to the left? Adorable! Your gardens surely are filling in...very nice Jean.
Your gardens are looking lush & full of blooms this summer Jean. That Daylilly border is wonderful. :)
Hi Jean,
Oh my! Your gardens are superb and I just love your burgundy daylily. What a gorgeous picture of it. Thank you for hosting. Blessings to you.
It is so much fun to see all the color.
Got a chuckle at "the party girl getting around":@) Gorgeous colors Jean-enjoy:@)
Your daylily border is really pretty, Jean. Thanks for sharing and for hosting the party!
Your gardens are beautiful, Jean. I especially love the daylily border. I have daylilies, but they don't make a big show like your border does. Love it!
You sure have a lot of different blooms! I'm waiting for many of mine still. Beautiful wild garden.
Lots of bloomin' going on. Thanks for hosting!
What wonderful gardening you've got going on!
Love the wild garden, and the garden you enlarged along your neighbor's garage.
The lily border is gorgeous!
Isn't it true after all the snow and rain we now need rain and none for this area until maybe Monday. Gooseneck loosestrife is a fav and I left it at my other house.. one plant I will try to get again did not find it invasive. Happy Gardening day to all.
Your flowers beds are looking great. The day lilies are especially pretty!
Hi Jean,
I love your method of expanding the bed by your neighbors' garage. When I noticed that potty chair, I said out loud, "I want that!" LOL
You have lots of pretty blooms there! I found some gooseneck loosestrife at a local plant sale. I actually went there, hoping they'd have some. It was the only one, and I grabbed it before looking for the other things I wanted. I put mine in a wash tub, and am hoping it lives over the winter there.
Thank you for hosting Blooming Tuesday. I put up my post timely, then didn't get it linked. Thanks.
Your long views are wonderful. The daylily border looks great. Perennials blooming for the rest of you like hydrangeas, coneflowers and daylilies have about finished bloom here. We are looking at really hot tropicals and annuals that love heat.
It looks as if every corner of your garden is blooming! Love this time of year...I like your day lily border too! Thanks for hosting!
Jean, your garden looks wonderful! Lots of blossoms and color. The garden in summer is such a treasure! I hope you are getting the rain you need. We had a nice rain last evening. ~~Rhonnda
Your daylilies are gorgeous!
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