Sunday, March 25, 2012

Bloomin' Tuesday

I have been a very bad blogger this winter and would like to apologize for being a worse visitor! My son, his wife and my 2 sweeties have lived with me for the past 6 months while looking for a house. They are now (mostly) settled in a great house in the country and I am once more living alone. While it was not a bad situation by any means (We all still get along very well! lol) I'm hoping that I will eventually get my house and my routine back in order!

That being said, I'm going to try to get back to blogging and Bloomin' Tuesday.

Our spring is about 6 weeks ahead of schedule and we Western New Yorkers are all concerned about a heavy frost which will destroy our fruit crop.

Tell all your friends and neighbors that Bloomin' Tuesday will resume this week, March 27, as usual.
I will do my best to have my post up by 9 Monday night. All you need to do is add your
PERMALINK (The link to that weeks specific post that is gotten by clicking on the post title and coping that link. If the permalink isn't posted, past Bloomin' Tuesday posts will not be available by clicking on your name.) name and STATE only to Mr Linky each week you would like to join the tour. To make this work you MUST also add a link to my post on your blog. I'm not doing this for more followers but enjoyment. We want all your interested friends to enjoy joining or touring with us. Remember, everyone is welcome! You aren't confined to only your own garden or expected to post every week. There are buttons at the beginning of this post you can take if you would like. This is a fun party and we love posts from anywhere in the world since all we need to do is sit back and enjoy!

See you Tuesday!


Becca's Dirt said...

I'm so glad Jean. I was thinking of you this morning when I was getting dressed. Now where did that come - but I really was thinking about Bloomin Tuesday. Yea! I'm gonna try to get back with a post for tomorrow.

Donna Heber said...

Hi Jean,

Your daffodils are looking fantastic and we are in deed ahead of schedule this spring. I like in upstate New York.

La Crosse Boilers said...

Thanks for this blog ppost