Welcome to Bloomin' Tuesday! If you would like to join this week and show us what's bloomin' where you are planted, put your name and blog address on Mr Linky at the bottom of this post. All I ask is that you add a link to this post so your readers can come along on our garden tour.
If you're not interested in joining this week, please click on each name on the Mr Linky list to take an across country garden tour.

I may have shown this rose before but this bunch of 3 is so beautiful I couldn't help myself!

The Stella de Oro are beginning to bloom.

Won't be long and the other day lilies will start.

The blooms on this dark purple clematis are smaller than the other clematis but it still gives a great show! I need to get a larger trellis next year.

I'm not sure what this is called but it is like a grass and it has these tiny blue flowers on the ends of the blades.

This Heuchera (Geisha's fan) is a great addition to a shade garden.

It's a beautiful mounding plant and I love the shape and variegation of the leaves.

I have some love-in-a-mist blooming too. This is an annual but I "help" it reseed in the fall.

The seed pods are great in flower arrangements and that is really what I grow them for. The good part is the you can remove the seeds without hurting the pods.

I think this is a type of centaurea.

Lastly my wild strawberries are getting ripe. They just started growing along the stairway and on the edge of the garden. They don't amount to much but everyone has fun tasting them as they come down to the shop. They are real sweet but there are never enough at one time to make anything.
Don't forget to sign Mr Linky to be a part of Bloomin' Tuesday today and remember you must sign up every week you want to participate.
Everyone is welcome!
Hi Jean~
Beautiful Clematis...mine is not getting full sun,so that one is a slow grower!I have the purplish flower(next to the last photo)didn't know what it was!
Have a great week.
Hi Jean,
We have a lot of the same things blooming this week. I'm so glad that you know all the names of your plants so that next week when I post pictures of mine, I'll be able to look botanically educated! Whew ... I owe you one!
Beautiful photos! I can practically taste those strawberries!
Your flowers are lovely. I really like the love-in-a-mist, something I would love to have in a container. It looks so delicate. Does it come in different colors?
I had to re-do my linky thing, because the first time I had the wrong date come up. There's no way for me to delete my fist entry on Mister Linky. It's all so complicated!
Your wild strawberries look yummy!!! Of course all of your blooms are always do pretty and healthy!!! I love looking at everyone's wonderful blooms!! I hope to be able to participate again once I make my big move and get settled in!!!
Just gorgeous! And, I so love you banner picture
We have the same purple clematis growing in our garden. I was so surprised this morning as I walked around the garden taking pics for todays Bloomin' Tuesday at just how much the clematis had grown! Your strawberries look delicious.
Hi Jean, just beautiful...I loved seeing all the pretty garden bloomers you have right now. Especially the rose and Clematis..just lovely.
your garden is lovely- I really enjoyed the peek into it!
Hi Jean ~ I loved your flowers this week. I've tried to grow love in a mist, and it's not come up. I will have to try again! My Bloomin' Tuesday post is up.
Sorry Ms. Jean I'm late posting today, I almost forgot it was Tuesday. I simply love your header and you have a lot bloomin' this week. I've never growed "love-in a mist", beautiful. RoseMarie
I haven't grown Love-In-A-Mist for years, maybe I'll grow some again next year (if I remember to buy some seeds!)
Everything looks very nice Mom. I love the dark purple clematis.
Very nice photos. I have some of the Stella de Oro I post next week. I haven't been able to get a good picture of mine. I love the wild strawberries! Happy Bloomin Tuesday!
Beautiful! Just beautiful!
Happy birthday to you...happy birthday to you..happy birthday Ms. Green-thumb- happy birthday to you! Your daughter told on you - and I loved your beautiful garden photos! Have a simply wonderful birthday!
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