I'm going to show you the last of the Secret Garden Tour pictures for 2010. These are more garden art pics from several gardens. I feel garden art is what makes a garden yours just like the 'stuff' in your home personalizes it.

I love the story that goes with this bench. This is a beautiful 'Zen' garden with some lovely statues. The gardeners also like to recycle. This
bench is made from a 5 dollar piece of marble purchased at a school auction. This piece was the wall of a urinal stall!

There was something
unexpected about this bear on a tree trunk.

There was an owl living in the tree.

I loved the pop of color and the bird bath among all the greens. The beauty of the Caladium leaves is the focus of this spot.

My favorite statue in the Zen garden. These hands are at least 5 feet tall.

Another beautiful statue.

A rusty fairy walks among the ferns.

These cute chicken add a touch of whimsy to this area.

A local artist makes these one of a kind wood sculptures.

Both totally unique to the gardens they are in.

This bike has to be my favorite! On closer inspection, it is discovered to be a metal sculpture not an actual bike. The perfect piece for any garden.
Thanks for stopping by for Bloomin' Tuesday! If you would like to join the tour, add your name, state and permalink to Mr Linky and a link to this post on your blog. Then check out the other gardens on the tour.