Monday, May 11, 2009

It's Bloomin' Tuesday!

Won't you join our garden tour? We would love to see what's bloomin' where you are planted!The gardens are coming alive and every day there is more to see. That's why I love spring so much!
When I checked out my shade garden I made lots of discoveries. The Barrenwort (Epimedium) is blooming. This is a tiny plant with tiny blooms but I love it. The blooms look very fragile but it is a hardy plant.
There are also some blooms on the bleeding heart. I moved this last year so I'm expecting it to really take off this year.
Lastly in the shade garden are the jack-in-the-pulpit. A friend dug these from the woods behind her house. I love the woodland plants but I think this is my favorite. You have to search a little for the blooms but they are well worth it!
I also have some shade loving pink lilies-of-the-valley at the front of the house. The pink always open a little earlier than the white. They should be on the list for next week.
The ajuga/bugle weed, burgundy glow, is putting on a show with it's spiky purple blooms. This plant seems to grow anywhere. It can take over but is very easy to pull out to pass along. Would make a great ground cover for a bank.I'm so excited to see a bud on my peony tree! I planted it 2 years ago and this is the first bud. I can't even remember what color it is!
My son and daughter-in-law gave me this lovely Gerber daisy for Mother's Day along with some watermelon plants. He gave me a concord grape plant a couple years ago and Jerzie and I started pumpkin seeds this year. I guess I'll need to find room for a fruit and vegetable garden.
My daughter and her husband gave me this beautiful fuscia. It's the one hanging plant I have on the deck every year. I love the pink and purple color combination!
They also gave me this Clementine Aquilegia (columbine). They are tiny blooms and I really like the pale pink and green color. I've never seen this plant before so it will be a great addition.
Well, that's what's bloomin' in western New York. I'm anxious to see what you have bloomin'. Remember, everyone is welcome, no invitation is required! Just add your name and permalink to Mr Linky every week you want to show us your blooms. Please add a link to this post on your post and feel free to add a button to your side bar. More buttons are available by clicking the one on my side bar.
Now sit back with a cold drink and enjoy the tour.


Wanita said...

Your flowers are all beautiful, Jean. I especially like the Jack-in-the-pulpit.

Thanks for hosting Bloomin' Tuesday.


Elizabeth-Plain and Simple said...

Wow. You have a lot of beautiful blooms this week. I especially like the Clementine Aquilegia. I have not seen this one before. Thanks for sharing your flowers and hosting this get-together.


Aiyana said...

The jack-in-the-pulpit and fuscia are so unusual. I sure wish I could grow fuscia. I could just stare at it all day. Love the color combo and general shape of the flower. Actually, all your spring flowers are beautiful--and so different than what I'm used to seeing.

Cedar ... said...

Fuscias are so lovely! But oh, so very messy! It's always a trade-off to have one. I'm always too busy to keep picking up the dropped blossoms when they go by.

Unknown said...

Very nice! You have a lot going on in your gardens. This is a great time of the year for gardeners!

Unknown said...

I love all of them, and yes, a peony tree is exciting. I saw them this spring for $17.00 and passed them up, and now wish I had bought it. they are lovely. Hugs....Brooke

Laurie and Chris said...

Wow you do have alot of blooms this week.I am going to have to check my lily of the valley. to see if they are blooming.

Suzanne said...

Beautiful! Ordinarily my favorite would probably be the lily of the valley, but I've never seen a columbine like that one! Love the pale pink and and lime green color combination on it. The jack-in-the-pulpit is spectacular too! Thanks for sharing and hosting, Jean.

Mockingbird Hill said...

Wow Jean...these are ALL beautiful! Now I feel the urge to get out and take some pics of what's going on around here!

Thanks for stopping by and loving the's mty all time faveand I am still in a quandry about change...

And...the girls are beautiful!!


Hey HayHay said...

I love that fuscia! I am going on a hunt for one myself! Thanks for hosting, all the beautiful blooms are really motivating me to start working more on my flower garden!

~~Rhonda said...

My first Bloomin' Tuesday, and I'm looking forward to touring the other gardens. My thanks to Paula for the invite! ~~Rhonda :)

Anonymous said...

I a little late in my post today and look forward to spending Tuesday in the garden with each of you.

Carla said...

Pretty pretty pretty! Someday, I will have a shade garden area, and because I just found out barronwort does well in dry shade, I will have LOTS of it! Is your bleeding heart purple? Either way it is very dark and lovely, what great plants from your kiddos, the fuscia is to die for (and because they melt in our summer-I'll just stick to drooling over them from afar:) Have a great week!

Anne Fannie said...

Hi Jean
I am so late visiting Bloomin' Tuesday posts!
I love that purple and pink fuscia. OMGosh, they are breathtaking!

Cheryl Kugler, Artist said...

The Clementine Aquilegia Columbine is very unique. And, that fuscia is so vibrant and colorful. Beautiful!
