Butch of Butch's Battle (side bar) my children's father passed away around 12:30 today. Please keep them in your thoughts. Both of their blogs are listed on my side bar. My daughter Laurie (of Laurie and Chris) and my son Kim and his wife Tabatha and daughter Jerzie (The Smith Family) appreciate your thoughts. Thank you.
I'm so sorry for your family's loss. I lost my Dad 2years ago next month to Leukemia. Your family is in our prayers.
I am so sorry. You are in my prayers.
So sorry to hear this news, Jean...
Dear Jean,
I'm so terribly sorry for your family's loss. My thoughts and prayers are with you.
Jean...I'm so sorry...your family is in my prayers.
So sorry to hear this, Jean. My thoughts are with your family.
Dear Jean, my deepest sympathies to the family. xoxo
Your loss is our loss as well. We are one family in God's eyes. And my thoughts and prayers are for you to find peace and know you are thought about all over the world today.
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