Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Bees and an award.

First I have to thank Deb from Posted from Home for this award. The "BWA" is given for "brilliant photos & text". It means a lot to me that people enjoy my blog and I really appreciate this award. Thanks, Deb, sorry it took so long for me to post this. These photos show the handiwork of Cutter Bees Cutter bees are instrumental in pollinating many wild flowers. They are not aggressive and only have a light sting when necessary. They do not eat the leaves they cut but use the pieces in their nest
These are my Jack-in-the- pulpit leaves in the shade garden. The green cluster between the leaves will become red in the fall.
Do you have Cutter Bees in your area?


Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your award! You deserve it Jean. I've never seen cutter bees here, the damage they do is almost artistic.

Naturegirl said...

Who needs pinking shear when you have cutter bees!! Nature making its mark!
A well deserved award!:)NG

Deb said...

Hi Jean
I have never seen cutter bees ~ but I agree with Nature girl - they ARE better than pinking shears! :-}

Rosie's Whimsy said...

Still playing catch up!

Your Tuesday garden shots are fabulous! I love walking through your garden with you :-)

You know I must have cutter bees. I have had a lot of foliage damage this year .... more than ever before. Not all of it looks like that but I definitely have some edges with that marking.

:-) Rosie

Suzanne said...

Congratulations Jean on your award! No, I don't think we have cutter bees in Colorado.

The Diva said...

Oh yes, I noticed evidence of them in my rose leaves. They are an interesting insect to watch. Someone on the blogosphere had a photo of a cutter bee taking a leaf to its nest. It wasn't me, but I liked the photo. ~~Dee