Yesterday was a "warm and fuzzy" day for us. It was cold and snowy so a perfect day for comfort food! I also got my walk and driveway snowblown by my son while he was waiting for supper. You can check out my "Warm and fuzzy food?" post to see what I'm talking about.
I had a couple ham bones in the freezer so decided to make boiled dinner. My kids and my daughter-in-law all love it. My son-in-law doesn't but he had to work. I started the bones (with quite a bit of meat still on them) about 7 am.
About 1 o'clock I removed the bones, cut up the meat and added small hole onions. About 2 I added some carrots and an hour after that I added potatoes.
45 minutes before dinner time I put cabbage wedges on top and covered with a lid so the cabbage would steam. I just remove the cabbage and set the pan on the table. Some rolls and milk and there you have a "warm and fuzzy" meal!
I was so excited to get my bathroom done I didn't post my usual Monday Jerzie pic so here she is playing with Aunt Laurie and Daddy before Mommy gets out of work.

Thanks for the "Warm and Fuzzy" dinner, I can't wait for the next "Warm and Fuzzy" :)
Looks absolutely delish!
At first I thought it was corned beef and cabbage. (same idea I suppose)
Jerzee is sure growing :)
now I could go for some of that comfort food...that looks nummy!!
That baby looks so content!!
OMG!! ~*BoiLeD dINNeR*~ havn't heard that in YEARS!! That is my natureboy's favorite dinner..comfort food. He is Irish and his mom made it so it was one of the first meals I prepared for him when fist children LoVeD this meal when growing up!! I must make it again....thank you for the reminder!
P.S. we would mash the potatoes and turnip and carrots up on our plates and then pour the sauce on top oh and natureboy always had a slice of bread in there!hugs NG
I make my stew the exact same way except that I've never thought of using a ham bone for it..I always use beef but I'll have to try it with ham next time! Jerzie is so adorable:-) Hugs xox
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