In my last post I talked about not having a written recipe for my vegetable soup. I make a lot of dishes that I have always made but never had a recipe. There are certain dishes that everyone makes that are old standby, comfort foods. My daughter says these foods make her feel warm and fuzzy! When my son got married my daughter and I made up a cookbook for them with all of their favorite dishes. We titled it "The Warm and Fuzzy Cookbook". My son does a lot of the cooking and he has tried almost every recipe. It took awhile to get them written down but at least my family will know how to make "warm and fuzzy" food for their families. Does your family have your recipies for their favorite foods? A cookbook like this is a great gift from the heart for any occasion.

AH !!! Warm and Fuzzy!! You can't beat warm and fuzzy It always puts a smile on my face :D
Good idea for a warm and fuzzy gift.
Your soup sounds mighty tasty, especially on a chilly day like today! I always love the soups more during the winter season.
Great looking couple!!
Thanks for your comment on my blog. I love your pretty picture on your template with the gourds, mums, etc!! Just beeyoutiful!!!
All my favourite recipes are written down on recipe cards and kept in my handmade recipe box so when I'm gone the boys will have that:-) My youngest son moved out over a year ago and to this day when he comes home to visit, he goes through my recipe box to find recipes he misses!! Lovely picture of your son and his wife!!
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