Today is going to be Echinacea/Cone flower day! I just love cornflowers. They are so hardy and reliable. The best part is they are coming out with so many awesome colors. I haven't found any I don't like but I do prefer the standard daisy like ones.. I'm pretty sure that you, like me, started out with the purple cone flower. Look what all I have now.

Tiki Torch


Big Sky Sundown

Big Sky Sunrise

Ruby Star

White Lustre

Green Envy
I did see a Coconut Lime double flower that I liked but can only hope they drop the price.

I have been finding these little groups of sun flowers sprouting in several spots all over my yard. I'm guessing the neighborhood chipmunk thinks he's storing them for winter. Won't he be surprised!

I'm looking forward to visiting your gardens this week. Just add your name, state and permalink to Mr Linky to show off your bloomers. Remember to add a link to this post on your blog. I usually have the Bloomin' Tuesday post up by 9 pm on Monday. For a choice of buttons, click the button on my side bar. Let's see how many states and countries we can visit this week!
You have some pretty selections in your garden Jean. I like that Tiki Torch and Big Sky Sunrise. Those would look great in my garden. ;)
I had no idea that there were other colors of echinacea! I have purple cone flowers that were originally in dh's grandmother's garden and love watching the butterflies enjoy them.
I think I'd better start paying attention to new varieties of flowers!
Hope you have a good Tuesday :-)
I will link up tommorow, I want to take some fresh pics... I will be posting pics of my Coconut Lime Cone Flower and Razzmatazz Cone Flower! They are the double blooms you speak of. Hope you will come take a look.
Love coneflowers, I have Sundown and Sunrise. I'm likin' a couple others you have there, maybe next year. I live in Oregon, had already linked when I read that, sorry, I'll try to do better next week. Thanks so much for doing the work hosting this party!
I love coneflowers and have a couple of varieties in my garden but have not seen much happen with them yet. I will have to look for a white one like yours to plant for next year. Thanks so much for hosting Bloomin Tuesday.
I have found a new love for coneflowers also. Up until this year I didn't get to worked up about them. But now I see all these different colored ones and how well they hold up in the heat and I am sold. I saw a beautiful peach colored one while walking today. so pretty. Yours are a lovely collection of different colors.
You have a nice assortment of coneflowers. I have some white ones that reverted to purple, which seem to be the healthiest and most robust. I also have Magnus. The Ruby Star plants got eaten by rabbits and are not in enough sun. The Kim's Knee High has something wrong with it this year. Harvest Moon started out iffy, but seems to be growing and blooming. I have young plants growing, and one has bloomed, looking like the pink ones that used to be white. I am curious to see what the others look like.
Thanks for hosting this party!
Oh, the Prairie Splendor coneflowers I planted late last summer are doing very well.
I just checked out the ones who've linked so far, and Teresa's link didn't work for me. Teresa, if you subscribed to the follow up comments, you may want to check it out to see if you need to link in again.
Oh goodness - I didn't know you had so many lovely varieties of cone flowers. They are gorgeous!
What an incredible compilation of cone flowers! Each so pretty, but I think the Big sky Sundown is my favorite.
I really must expand my coneflowers..love your new additions.
What a great variety of coneflowers! I have just three pink. I've been wanting the orange, but have not seen it for sale around here. We get everything about 10 years after they come out!
Hi Jean - I'm so excited to see your pictures of Big Sky Sundown! I *just* bought two of them yesterday (impulse buy) and had posted on my blog asking if anyone had these. As you said - I did start out with the standard pink coneflower so this is my second addition to my yard. All of your coneflowers are beautiful! As always, thanks for hosting Bloomin Tuesday - I look forward to it every week
I love the cone flower too but don't have as many as you do. What a lovely little gran-daughter. I love her crown!!! What are those rain-lilies called I would love to get some. Blessings Meg
Hello! I have never seen 'Tiki Torch', what a pretty coneflower, I'll have to do do some searching for that one! Thank you for sharing your gorgeous flowers.
your flowers are lovely, for some reason McLinky used an old title of mine.....looks like the right post but different title..funny things, or..dumb me.
WOW, I love all your coneflowers!
Just beautiful! I love cone flowers. I have one just about to bloom in my little garden and I am so excited!
Love the Echinecea tour! Thanks for sharing :)
I love seeing how everyone has so many different types of flowers!!
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