Welcome! I trust you all had a super holiday weekend.
We are having very hot dry weather so I'm having to water the gardens every morning. There are lots of beautiful blooms in spite of the heat.

Perennial Sweet Peas are another favorite of mine. They are growing on the lattice around the window in my header...

...and over this rusty wheelbarrow.

The Masterwort (Astrania) is a wonderful shade plant. It is about 18 to 24 inches tall and spreads out quite rapidly. The blooms appear so delicate. I have this light colored one and...

..this darker more burgundy colored one. Both are in full bloom now.

There are also a couple more Coral Bells ( Heuchere) blooming. This is Caramel and..

I believe this is 'Geisha"s Fan'. They keep coming out with new ones and I haven't seen one I didn't like. The leaves add so much varied color to the shade garden, from lime green to burgundies and oranges.

Another favorite, bee balm (Manarda) is showing it's stuff. I also love the smell of this plant. It's one of my favorites to weed just because of the minty fragrance. I have both pink and..

red. I always think of the Muppet creatures when I see them! LOL!

The pink double hollyhocks also opened this week. I have a couple more budding but I'm not sure what color they are, maybe next week.
That's what's bloomin' here in Western New York. Please, add your STATE to your name on Mr Linky, along with your permalink, of course. It will be fun to see at a glance where the gardens are located. Also remember to add a link to this post on your blog so your followers can join and enjoy the tour. Click the link on my sidebar for a choice of Bloomin' Tuesday buttons.
I'm off to see your 'bloomers'!
I'm seeing a trend in colors in your garden this month Jean. Lots of pinks & reds! :) That Astransia is so cool, it will be on my wishlist for this fall. It's been hot here too, and unfortunately I'm dragging out the hoses every morning as well.
Nice pictures, Jean. My favorite is the red bee balm (Manarda). Your rusty wheelbarrow reminded me of an old bicycle that I saw over the weekend. It was leaning against a fence. It's baskets were full of flowers. I hope to post a picture of it soon.
Hi Jean,
We have some blooms in common this week, but I am on a theme kick, with parts of my yard, so didn't include all of them.
I didn't get last summer's dead sweet peas by the garage cut back, but the new growth almost has it covered. Also, I have not been letting it grow in the original spot I had it, because it got mildew or something on it the last couple of years.
I love your hollyhocks! Only the yellow ones that have come from different colored parents come back for me.
I love your monarda photos, too. I did include one of my monardas in today's post.
Have a good week!
Hi Jean, just dropping by to catch up. I was supposed to have joined you last year but never got round to it.. hopefully one day even though I don't have much 'blooms' in my garden.
I was browsing throught your blog to catch up.. I enjoyed myself looking at your flowers, the garden, your home, your grandchildren, your children, your stories etc. Your 60th birthday celebration post was good.. about your life, your business, finances, aging, your excitement etc. I also read your brother's (guest) post. What a lovely family you have. You are a great woman.
Your hollyhocks are beautiful! I find part of the fun waiting to see what color they will be!
Sorry I forgot to add my state, I'm in parched PA.
we have had some much needed rain. everything looks good despite your heatwave..
Wow, the sweet peas are spectacular. I didn't realize they could be perennial. Masterwort is new to me too - very pretty. It must look wonderful in a shade garden. As always, thanks for hosting! I love visiting your blog every Tuesday.
Oh, shoot--I forgot to put my state! It's Michigan.
Love the bee balm and the double hollyhocks. All of your colors go so nicely together.
Beautiful blooms and I remembered to link in this time! Hopefully I can next week too! Have a great week Jean!
Good morning Jean. You have some beauties there. The bee balm is gorgeous. Those sweet peas are stunning. I want mine to bloom but I don't think that is gonna happen. I need to plant some more. I still have some seeds. Hope you had a great 4th. Happy birthday to your son.
Things are looking lovely in your garden!
Hi Jean. Happy Blooming Tuesday.
Your Masterwort is just so pretty.Mine died out this winter so I have to find some replacements. They had been in my bed for years so I was really surprised when they did not return this spring. The Monarda is lovely and I really like your double blooming hollyhocks.
Another lovely week in your garden, Jean!
Your bee balm reminds me to visit my sister. She has some in her garden and she's offered to share with me!
All beautiful shots, Jean. The first sweet pea is gorgeous.
This is my first time participating. I didn't add my state, because the flowers aren't from California where I live. Thank you for hosting. I've been enjoying the beautiful flower pictures on a couple of blogs I routinely visit. :-)
I always enjoy visiting your garden. Lovely blossoms. I saw your astrantia and realized that mine should be in bloom. I'm heading out to check it out.
happy Tuesday! I love your hollyhock and your bee balm, neither look like they have any mildew/rust! do you spray???? Mine gets so rusty and sometimes mildewy but I don't spray so I am curious about yours because they look so beautiful!
I love your bee balm! I'm going to need to search for one of those!
Sorry I joined your party a little late, but I just didn't want to miss. I just love your plants. Your masterwort is very cool. I just love it.
Such lovely flowers. I loved the Perennial Sweet Peas. I didn't know you could get perennial ones. I have annual ones I planted this year. I will have to include them next week for Bloomin' Tuesday! Have a wonderful weekend!
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