While raking the large side garden I couldn't miss the wonderful scent of bee balm.
I had to cut back my 2 lavender plants and the fragrance just filled the air. Lovely!
I also had to pick gravel from the path gardens and just slightly touching the thyme plants sends up my all 'thyme' favorite scent!
I think I may smell some fresh spring rain tonight. I have new garden plans and get so excited this time of year. It is only March tho and I have to be careful not to do too much too early. The anticipation is killing me!

What 'springscents' inspire you?
Hi Jean, I love Lavender plants! They smell so great! I love the smell of spring in the garden! Looking at your pictures, I can smell it all!
Happy Bloomin' Tuesday...
The Bee Balm is very pretty. We can grow Lemon Bee Balm here in Phoenix (Citriodora montarda). Do you know what species your Bee Balm is?
I did a lot of gardening today--repotting, watering, etc. and noticed all the wonderful smells going on right now. Feathery Cassia, (a honey/licorice scent) Petunia, rose, Rosemary, and Willow Acacia. Wonderful!
Are these blooming now? Wonderful photos........all Spring scents inspire me. Right now I am so enjoying the alyssum and citrus blooms.
Aiyana, The bee balm is Monarda didyma 'Gardenview Scarlet'.
Darla, These are not blooming now (nothing is!) but archive pics from last season. Jean
Hi Jean,
I love the lavender plants for their scent and how they bring all the bees to the garden.
Mine aren't blooming yet though..
Love your pictures and your smells!
Thanks for sharing - refreshing to read about! Paula
I just must touch everything as I pass. I have two little thyme plants (and love to make time puns also), mint, and other herbs, onion, garlic, on and on AND super sweet jasmine and wisteria blooms! You are right about it being to early, but it is getting closer!! Your blooms are lovely!!
I love the scent of Lavender, I have a line of Lavender from my front gate to my front door and I brush against it just so I can smell it!
Jean, your gardens are lovely. How do you keep them so neat? I've never had much luck with lavender, it always gets woody - which I do not like...mostly wood, and less flowers. Maybe we're just growing the wrong kind, or the wrong way.
Thanks for sharing.
Your Bee Balm is so pretty ,I am going to plant some in the field we just cleared,it is so evasive out there it can just grow all it wants.
Ahhhh, my little garden has a long way to go to catch up to yours... but you inspire me to keep trying.
Your bee balm is my favorite.
WOW I love your lavendar - your beds look like a magazine! Thanks for hosting Blooming Tuesday! Paula from Idaho
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