I have wanted this plant for a year! It is a Weeping Pussy Willow. We had them at our store last year but they were 20 dollars and I refused to pay that. We got them in again this year but they were still 20 dollars. I don't know what made me look at them the other day but they were down to 10. I couldn't resist!
According to the website (http://www.sunrisegreenhouses.ca/) they only grow to 18 to 24 inches.
They are good in zones 4-8 and are very winter hardy.
According to legend the willow is bestowed with magical power capable of fulfilling wishes. The only wish I have is that it will survive!
Go here to find out how to grow your own.
I'm really looking forward to watching it grow.
Darla gave me this award and I'm passing it on the the 'gardening sisterhood' that have managed to bring a little sunshine and blooms to Bloomin' Tuesday all winter. Thank you for being so faithful!
If you would like to join our garden tour just add your name and permalink to Mr. Linky and add a link on your blog to this post.

Go here to find out how to grow your own.

If you would like to join our garden tour just add your name and permalink to Mr. Linky and add a link on your blog to this post.
I love pussy willows...it should do great - we are in zone 4 and they do very well here. Kudos! Paula
Oh my goodness -- this little pussy willow is awesome! I love the little "buds" coming out. What a great post, Jean.
Jean,you are so lucky,I have wanted a pussy willow for so long,but like ou not willing to pay so much for one.They are such a beautiful plant.Enjoy your new plant.
Hi Jean
I love your new plant. I sure hope it survives! The little blooms on it look so cute! I cannot wait to see it in full bloom. I heard they are really beautiful! I have never had one. I also really like the new look of your blog!
Happy Bloomin' Tuesday!
Love, Ann
that is so cool. My mom had a large tree in her yard, I wonder if it's still there, if so, if I could root some?
Darla,Pussy willows are very easy to start. All you need is a cutting from a tree. Just stick it in the soil and keep it wet at all times. Just remember, they grow very fast and can only be trimmed right after they bloom or they won't bloom the next year. Jean
I must admit I'm not too keen on the weeping willows but I'm interested to see how yours grows. Maybe I'll change my mind about them!
I love these plants! We had Pussy Willows growing up by the clothesline when I was a child in South Dakota- they are definitely winter hardy and the little fuzzy buds are adorable!
o-la-la! I think I would have HAD to have it also!!! Enjoy!
Pussy Willows - a true sign of Spring. How pretty and ....encouraging!
thanks for sharing.
Awww - it's so cute. I'd love to have that too. Thanks for sharing - and for sending us to the "backyard nursery" site. Will check it out in more detail later.
Hi Jean, thanks for the kind thoughts & prayers for my grandfather this week. I wish you good luck with your Weeping Pussy Willow. It is a charming plant. :)
What an interesting plant!
I brought mine in Michigan and kept it indoors for about 4 years, putting it out in the summer. We moved to Kentucky fours years ago and I planted it in the garden and it has done very well. I have found that it needs lots of room as the limbs weep like vines.
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