Wednesday, November 05, 2008

A Perfect Day!

It's a perfect autumn day today. A great day for walking in the rustling leaves. This is what my backyard looked like this morning. When I wasn't busy with customers I put the answering machine on and went outside. This is what the backyard looks like now! I blew leaves and mowed the lawn for the last time. As you can tell by the trees I certainly didn't blow leaves for the last time.

This is where I put all the leaves. The city will pick them up sometime. I just hope it isn't for awhile since the trees out front are as covered with leaves still as the back ones.

I found this huge mushroom in the front yard. It was about the size of a softball. I don't know anything about mushrooms so I didn't pick it.
I'm not too happy about finding these! The tulips I planted in the spring are starting to come up! I thought it was okay to plant them then because they had flowered. Have you ever had this problem?


playsdolls said...

Your yard looks nice,We have alot of leaves in our yard in the fall.I leave them because I like the look of the leaves laying around.The mushroom,I had a small one grow in a boot that I had suclnts growing in it was so cute I took a pic of it and just let it stay.And yes I planted Tulip bulbs to early one fall and they tarted coming up before they needed to.

Suzanne said...

Your yard looks wonderful. Isn't gathering leaves a huge job!??? It makes you feel great when it's done though because it all looks marvelous!

Unknown said...

Well I'm torn, love the leaves on the ground and love them cleaned up. Don't Know anything about tulips. Great post.

Wendy said...

Yes, I've had tulips and grape hyacinths come up early after a warm spell in November. It had nothing to do with planting them early, as they had been planted years before. I thought they would just die and I'd have no flowers the following spring. But they were o.k. Plenty of flowers the next spring, so I guess it's o.k. if they come up now.
They probably won't get to the flower stage.

Ah yeah, we got leaves big-time. Hubby used to enjoy raking them each fall. It relaxed him, but now he can't anymore, so we have a lawn service.

Colleen - the AmAzINg Mrs. B said...

The late author Leo Busgalia wrote once that he loved the leaves so much, but his neighbors didn't want them in the yards, so he bagged them all up and then spread them in his front room like a carpet! (Obviously, he was unmarried!) Let's hope you don;t get a big old wind and have to do that all over again!

Charmingdesigns said...

Thanks for coming by...I found some huge mushrooms in our barkdust...whats up with that...they spring out of Laurie