Welcome to Bloomin' Tuesday! If you would like to show us what's "blooming where you are planted" just sign up on Mr Linky at the bottom of this post and put a link on your blog to this page. Everyone is welcome!

I just had to show you this daffodil. I had seen one like this in blogland and said I would love to have that color. When two bulbs that a customer had given me bloomed, I had one! I love the center color.

These are some violets my daughter gave me a few years ago. They spread like crazy and I got rid of a flat full last year but I do love violets. I especially like the leaf color.

I have forget-me-nots all over. I just pull them out after they bloom. I let them grow where ever they want in the spring.

The myrtle is also blooming. I have it covering a stump and around the trees in front of my house.

This is Barrenwort and it is in my shade garden. It is actually very tiny. Six to eight inches at the most. The flowers are sometimes called dancing fairies. They remind me of columbine.I would love some different ones but haven't found any, yet.

I bought this Brunnera (Jack Frost) because I thought the leaves would really add color to the shade garden. I didn't even notice that it flowered in spring. These flowers are the true color, a very intense blue.

I love the flowers on this Bergenia. They don't last long but the leaves stay all winter so they add color all year.
I hope you've enjoyed Bloomin' Tuesday!
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Hi Jean,
Not much blooming that I haven't posted before, but one cactus came through Monday, so I'm doing the Bloomin' Tuesday thing!
Morning Jean....I am cheating a little since not much new is blooming that I haven't already posted on....but I am a hosta freak and they are just coming up so wonderful this year that I thought I'd post on them. Then when they bloom, I;ll get a second chance at them :-) Rosie
Not much happening in my garden...but my post is up!
Rosie directed me here. Love the flowers blooming in your neck of the woods!
Jean, your garden blooms are beautiful! I enjoyed looking through your previous Tuesdays. My particular favorite es the forget-me-not. They are such a beautiful color. They don't grow here so thank you for sharing yours.
Sorry I'm late for the garden party, but FINALLY I got mine finished!
I love your forget-me-nots Jean!
Beautiful beautiful!
Beautiful Flowers! I love the forget-me-nots and the violets. My mother in law loves violets! I've never seen the Bavrenwort. The flowers do look like dancing fairies! I've got mine posted. Dogwood trees this week! Happy Bloomin' Tuesday!
Nothing much is blooming herer, so I am enchanted to see not only your garden, but thse of all your Bloomin' Friends. Bloomin' Tuesday is cool!
Ms. Jean, I've been in KY and totally forgot about Bloomin' Tuesday, so sorry. I'll post next week. Everybodies flowers are wonderful. Blessings, RoseMarie
I just found your blog, thanks to Lea at the shabby olde potting shed. I will post next week what is blooming in flower beds around here, mine and my mom's.
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