Sunday, May 25, 2008

Happy Memorial Weekend!

Thank you for all your well wishes. My surgery went very well and I was home before 11 am the next day. I haven't even needed any pain meds. All was well until the next morning. I was so dizzy I couldn't get out of bed. I didn't want to bother anyone at work so I just stayed in bed all day. Laurie called when she got home from work and came right down. Seems the antibiotic they had me on causes dizziness which is a major problem for someone like me with severe motion sickness! Now that it wore off and I'm on a different medicine I'm doing good. Just can't sit in a hard chair for more than a couple minutes at a time. My window box for summer.
It's a beautiful day here and I'm wishing I could be pulling all those weeds I see. Maybe next week. I hope you have a great holiday weekend!


Dawn said...

Glad all went well.
I have been thinking of you.

Naturegirl said...

Jean I have yet to change my window box to a summer theme! Perhaps I'll use the baby shower theme as I'm having one for my daughter on Sun. 8th..I have a friend that had your operation and she said it is the best...I'm taking Detrol everyday.
Boy oh boy hate that feeling..glad all worked out for you! hugs ng