Saturday, April 19, 2008

Just stuff

It's been in the high 70's the last 2 days. Just beautiful! The only trouble is I have come up with all these clever ideas and not enough time to get them done. I am not a patient person! When I get an idea, I want to do it right now and be done in 5 minutes! Right now I don't even know where to begin. The weather is supposed to change to cooler and rainy so maybe that will slow my brain down.
I got the deck all cleaned (I use the window washer that attaches to the hose for the deck and the wicker furniture.) yesterday and the cushions brought out. Now I'm working on one of those projects and everything is a mess again!
As you can see by the pictures I took today, it is a gorgeous day and the side garden is looking pretty good. Seems like a great spring for the daffodils. I hope you are having lovely weather, where ever you are.


Rosie's Whimsy said...

Looks just grand! I have been loving the warm temps here in PA. Alas, all this will come to an end for us tomorrow as well.

I do that brain overload thing, too. So many things to do little hard to decide which thing to do next :-) Rosie

Susie said...

So glad that springtime made it to you! Daffodils are my favorite first sign of spring!

JunieRose2005 said...

I LOVE Daffodils! Yours are very pretty!


j said...

I've gotten somewhat caught up with you! From the hankies to growing out bangs, from chair doilies to Sarah's Attic, I have read up on you!

I hope not to be this busy again that I get so behind with my visiting! Thanks for coming by to see me, though. You are always a bright spot!
