Wednesday, September 05, 2007


I live in a small city on a short street. The only outlets are at either end and the last house is number 49.
One end of the street opens onto a main street that goes to a school. This is what that end of the street looks like. I think every kind of big machinery is here.
They are removing a Y in the street to avoid confusion as 5 streets come together. Two arms of the Y come down to this street so they are turning 2 into 1. They are also putting in new sewer pipe.
This is what is at the other end of the street.
This is the last house on the block. It's not a great picture but can you see the Amish men on the roof? (I didn't get too close because I know they don't like their faces photographed.)
Click to enlarge this photo to see the horse in the bushes trying to stay cool.
Quite a difference from one end of the street to the other, wouldn't you say?


Tammy said...

What a mess that is...I would hate to live on that street right now.

We had thought about going to Ohio Amish Country for Labor day but then changed our minds. We had quite a few back in Western Ky and really other than the countryside there isn't much to see.

Have a great day!

Carole Burant said...

I would rather be at the end of the street where the Amish live! lol I really do dislike road work of any kind...I know it's to benefit us but geez what a mess they make first!!! xox