Saturday, July 21, 2007


The humming birds have discovered my bee balm and they love it! I was checking out the garden today and I noticed a humming bird in the bee balm. I ran for my camera even though I don't have a zoom lens. I was getting ready to take a shot and another hummer charged the one on the flowers.
These pictures aren't great but can you find the humming bird in each one?
I called Laurie and Chris and told them there was a great "photo op" over here so they came over.
They got some great shots and I'm sure they will show them to you very soon.
Clicking to enlarge might help.


Carole Burant said...

Yup I can see them in every picture:-) We hadn't had any come around for a couple of weeks but now they're back again and in fact, I had to make a new batch of syrup for them this morning. They are so much fun to watch but very hard to take pictures of...although Chris & Laurie certainly did get some gorgeous close ups!! xox

kris said...

Very fun - I saw Laurie & Chris's photos too. Lucky you to have them visit your garden - and be there to see it!