The June page from my calender my daughter made me. Click to enlarge and see the bee on the flower and the "Buzz" on the paper.
I have had a garbage disposal ever since I redid my kitchen 9 years ago. I never had any problems with it except for the odd piece of silverware that found it's way into it. When the kids were here Monday I turned it on and it was very noisy. I said I had put some cherry pits in it and everything was fine. When it kept it up I turned it off and found the top and nipple from one of Jerzie's bottles. Her Mom had put it in the sink and I hadn't known it was there. I know I'd used it since then but when I tried to turn it on yesterday it just buzzed. I got out the book to find out how to unjam it. I got it running again but could see something under one of the blades. I tried to pry it out like the book told me but couldn't get it. It looked shiny like metal so I had the brainstorm to pour oil down there and turn it on and maybe it would come free. Surprise! It worked! This is what I found in the disposal.

I think that it's a quarter. I have no idea how a quarter got any where near the sink. I don't think anyone will take it, do you? At least I learned how to unjam the disposal!

Oh me oh my whatever will you do?
Hope you don't have to call a plumber...
I almost hate to tell ya what I put in a disposer once...long silly story! Learned how to reset it though...teehee!
Isn't it amazing the things you'll find in a garbage disposal?! lol Glad you were able to get it out...the poor thing doesn't even look like a quarter anymore! Have a great weekend my friend:-) xox
Thanks a lot for leaving a comment on my pottery balls, I am glad you liked them! Sorry for being a little bid late for visiting you back.
Your garden art on the last post is very pretty, I especially like the little girl in the flower bed!
Have a wonderful week-end and happy gardening!
Best wishes from Germany,
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