There may not be a lot of new blooms in my garden but that doesn't mean nothing is happening.
Everything just gets greener and taller. Seems like every time I look I see something new coming up. This is the side garden. All the blue you see is forget-me-nots.

A week has really made a difference in the shade garden. The white on the right is the trillium and the Barrenwort is in the lower right corner.

This is the other side of the shade garden. If you click to enlarge, you can see a burgundy and a golden color coral bells. The new coral bells add so many interesting colors to a shady area just by their foliage.

At first I couldn't figure out what this huge plant in my middle garden was. I got several new plants last year and figured it was one of those. When it grew so fast I figured it was a weed.

It is actually a volunteer money plant. I want to move it but it's quite dry now so I think I'll wait until it rains again.

The Bergenia is blooming now even tho most of its leaves got ruined last year during the house painting. The leaves are leathery and stay all winter. Some have a burgundy color to them.

The Barrenwort in the shaded area is full of tiny blooms this year. The bloom reminds me of Columbine.

Both the green and the variegated Vinca are full of their pretty purple flowers.

If you would like to check out some more spring gardens go over to
Fishtail Cottage and take the tour.