I'd like to thank everyone for joining our garden tour! I'm sure you are all enjoying it as much as I am. We had a couple days of rain and now some hot sunshine so things are popping out all over this week.

I'm lovin' the Clementine Aquilegia, Columbine, for the delicate blooms and lovely colors.

I just may have to look for some other colors.

The Snow in Summer is just beginning to bloom. The foliage is a wonderful gray green color and looks great even when not in bloom.

I have one lonely yellow poppy and that's only because I bought a plant with a bud. The one I planted last year is at least coming up . I don't have much luck with them so I'll really be surprised if that one blooms.

The shade garden is doing well. This area has been there for a few years so it's well established. I have sweet woodruff in several places but don't like to pull it out because then I'll want it somewhere. The buttercups are also everywhere, including the lawn. I do pull them out when they get too plentiful . Jerzie loves to pick them but she calls them peanutbutter cups!

I found out that these a Star of Bethlehem last year. The bulbs seem to be scattered everywhere. This group is actually behind my shed. They are so pretty I had to photograph them.

It must be the year for azalea. My other bush is in full bloom and it is gorgeous! I don't think it's ever looked this good. I will need to trim it this year as it's beginning to take over.

Spring is in full swing here in western New York and there are beautiful huge rhododendron blooming all over. I can't wait to see how spring looks in your garden. Simply add your name and permalink to Mr Linky below and add a link to this post on your blog. Remember you must sign up every week you want to be a part of the tour.
I had a question about the color of my mulch but we get it by the truck load and we could get either brown or black this year. I love the look of red around shrubs but in my opinion, it takes away from some flowers in blooming gardens. Help me answer Kate's question by telling us your favorite mulch color?